Need some advise please

I have one similar to this on my 7X machine. I works fine for me. I do not do a lot of heavy machining, though. I do mostly aluminum and brass so this material or design is not an issue. I have found that by machining with smaller cuts and slower speeds that its easier on the equipment and does a better job in the long run anyway.
I have a logan 8" and have been using the stack tool method with good results. But I to have been wondering the biggest QCTP that I could fit. I would like to also use the same one in a South Bend 10" that I'm going to restore.
I had purchashed the AXA for my 9" sb, but kept it, when I sold the 9", to use on my 12" clausing. Allthough it's a little small, it does work. Someday, I'll replace it with the BXA.
Would the BXA have worked or would it have been to tall? Most of the tooling I have been using is 1/2".
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