I have some traditional honest-to-goodness, made in England,
engineers blue (and God forbid you get that stuff on your hands, it never seems to quite dry, so you can leave blue fingerprints wherever you go if you're not careful but it takes serious cleaning power to get the stain out of skin!) but for parts that are already 'blued' or have some other dark surface, that won't show up.
I've got sharpies (especially blue and silver) coming out of my posterior!
but I find that sharpie ink tends dry too quickly to take 'prints'. I wonder if there's a version of Dyechem or the like in silver though; that would do the trick with dark ('blued' or anodized) parts (not from the company that makes the engineers blue I've got though;
they'd not have any truck with any colour other than blue: "
Why'd tha need tuh have anuuther culah than blew? It were good enoof fer me dad and me grandad...'appen it'll be good enoof fer tha"