My heart is breaking, I think I'm about to loose my boy....

Sorry for your loss. You have been blessed, to have had such a deep love. I'm jealous. When I retire in a year or so, the first thing I'm going to do is get a dog. I have a cat that I love, but dog's are different, and bring such joy.

To quote a good friend, "keep going." And remember!
Another day of waking up crying. A deep, soulful painful body wracking sob. Such a deep profound sadness that I’ve never felt before. I miss my boy like I would miss a part of my body. I loved that dog so deeply, I would have killed to protect him.

I know time will dull the pain, but it feels like I’ll never be right again…my boy was cheated, I was cheated. We should have had at least another 5 years together.

I’m just devastated so deep in my soul and right now, I don’t want to feel anything else. I feel like a house that still has its outside walls standing after a fire, but the insides are totally gutted.No furniture, no floors, no walls. Just an empty shell where a home once stood.

Wife keeps trying to get me to eat something, but I’m just not feeling it. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve just lost a child and that doesn’t heal quickly, if ever….
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It's hard to say at the moment, but time will help you heal. You'll never forget him, but hopefully at some point come to the conclusion that you did everything you could and his time on earth just ran out. We lost both our girls earlier this year. One was due to a massive veterinarian error, and the other due to recurring health issues. It was hard to eat, sleep, and carry on with a normal lifestyle for several months. Every time we would see someone walking their dog, memories of our girls would flood back.

Like you I felt lost and cheated for quite some time. It took close to 10 months before I came to the realization that they are both in a better place. They both held on as long as they could, but in the end, it was far more humane to let them go over the rainbow bridge than to make them suffer. They will always be in our hearts, and we loved every moment we had them.

I hope I'm correct in seeing that you have a couple more furry companions that can help you heal. They are hurting as much as you. Stay close to them, share your love with them and hopefully heal together. It's a long and bumpy road, but eventually most of the pain will be replaced with fond memories.
Oliver is a young swissy and hasn’t known Sebastian very long, about 6 months.

Diesel is a different story. Sebastian is the third brother he’s seen pass. But Diesel has always been “stand-offish” and wanting to be away from everyone. I think he’s still messed up fron when our German Shepard (Jasper) passed. There was a marked change in his mood and behavior after Jasper. Jasper was Diesels world and he’s never been quite right since he passed on.

Jasper, Nicky and Diesel:

Oliver (puppy):


My body is physically cold. Literally cold. The wife is a bit worried as I’m not eating and my skin feels cold to the touch.

Me holding and comforting my boy in his last few days:


He was so beautiful, tender and gentle. A true “gentle giant”. And yes, he is smiling. He had what we called the “Swissy Smile“ he would make when he was happy. Its quite unique as not all swissy’s are capable of the swissy smile.

He’s smiling in that pic as I hold him and rub his neck.
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