Mill DRO...


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
May 31, 2022
So I get stuff from H&M and the Acu-Rite DRO for a mill caught my eye...just looking mind you. I just added a AliExpress 3 axis DRO to my Bridgeport for $250.00 and it works amazing. I was reluctant (as always) because I just HATE to buy Chinese or support in any way the PRC when there are options.
So I look at these Acu-Rite offerings and just about choke at the price...$3000.00!!! And they come from China as well!

(From the internet)
AcuRite (Chaney Instruments) is located in Lake Geneva, WI in the United States however, the product was manufactured in China. If you have any other questions, please contact the AcuRite Support Team at 262-729-4852, we are happy to assist you.

Even if you were in business making money on this machine, you could buy 12 AliExpress DRO's to just one Acu-Rite. That is a lot of work you'd have to knock out just to break even. I cannot imagine the Acu-Rite is 12x better than AliExpress...What a crazy world we live in.
The $250 unit you bought does not have the Acu-Rite manufacturing and engineering standards applied to it. Yeah, both built in China, but, no where near the same units. Yup, money talks. And yes, you may have to buy 12 units to the one Acu-Rite. Good luck on your purchase.
you must have been in a long comma.
Been this way for a long time. The Chinese build to a price point. No more, sometimes less.
If you pay for quality in China, you buy American, you may not get quality. I bought made in America Delta and had tons of problems. It soured me on paying that much more (double) to get USA made. It wound up being a kit with a huge amount of work to get it right.

To all the guys that think made in America is absolute quality live in their little bubble. A pragmatic person will realize that it's not always true. Sometimes the increased price is worth it, but somethings it's not even close.
The $250 unit you bought does not have the Acu-Rite manufacturing and engineering standards applied to it. Yeah, both built in China, but, no where near the same units. Yup, money talks. And yes, you may have to buy 12 units to the one Acu-Rite. Good luck on your purchase.

Accu-Rite is made in China?

Bummer man. There really aren't any USA made options anymore.

These days the choice is: Do I give the Chinese 250$ to build the missile to shoot at us with later, or do i give them 3000$

I scored a Ditron D80 display for 80$ on ebay about 4 or 5 years ago. Paired it up with some extra scales and cut-off end from when I did my lathe, and it's been working perfectly since. It's definitely Chinese, but I only paid for 3 feet of wire on the missile that'll kill me.
No, not in a coma. Just disappointed how my country doesn't produce much of anything...and what it does produce is disposable junk. Not in a coma and not naive, but frustrated. I don't want (if possible) to be part of selling my soul to a devil wanting to rule the world (observe the South China Sea??).

Realize I'm an old dinosaur and not a young man anymore. I remember another time...for better or worse, and I was never in a coma...LOL
No, not in a coma. Just disappointed how my country doesn't produce much of anything...and what it does produce is disposable junk. Not in a coma and not naive, but frustrated. I don't want (if possible) to be part of selling my soul to a devil wanting to rule the world (observe the South China Sea??).

Realize I'm an old dinosaur and not a young man anymore. I remember another time...for better or worse, and I was never in a coma...LOL
I agree totally. I used to hear on the radio news that we would become a service nation. I thought how stupid, if we don't make anything how will people afford the services? You can blame govt all you want, but I blame the bean counters, and corp execs. The execs pushed for a change in law, buying congress to bend to their desires, and the bean counters were the ones that figured out how to screw us so the companies could make more $$$.
I agree totally. I used to hear on the radio news that we would become a service nation. I thought how stupid, if we don't make anything how will people afford the services? You can blame govt all you want, but I blame the bean counters, and corp execs. The execs pushed for a change in law, buying congress to bend to their desires, and the bean counters were the ones that figured out how to screw us so the companies could make more $$$.
Maybe rather than blaming others for the cost of things made in the US we should start looking at the guy in the mirror. The average manufacturing wage in the US is slightly less than $30.00 per hour with benefits. The average wage in China for the same job is $5.50 per hour with no benefits. Add into that the subsidized transportation and minimal taxes and they can make the same product for less than 50% of what it costs to make it here.

We all want to make the big bucks but be able to buy things at 1970 prices. In many cases the wages have caused the price of the product produced to exceeded what the customer is willing to pay. The recent minimum wage increase in California is a prime example. Rather than raising the price of a hamburger to $15.00 the restaurants have chosen to minimize the amount of labor involved in making the product. The last estimate is that over 100,000 people in California have lost their jobs in the food industry due to the mandatory wage hike.

The bean counters are trying to cut costs as much as possible to remain competitive. Often times it affects the quality of the product and makes it no better than the Chinese one, but still at a significantly higher price. As for the Executives I don't know of any that are paid higher than professional athletes. Why is it we don't mind that a golfer, football, or baseball player makes $100,000,000.00 and has no responsibility other than to play a game well. On the other hand, we vilify corporate executives that are trying to produce products that consumers can afford and keep thousands of people employed.
As for the Executives I don't know of any that are paid higher than professional athletes. Why is it we don't mind that a golfer, football, or baseball player makes $100,000,000.00 and has no responsibility other than to play a game well. On the other hand, we vilify corporate executives that are trying to produce products that consumers can afford and keep thousands of people employed.
Perhaps because we actually need the products produced by the corporations with the over-paid executives and under-paid workers. We don't need what the athletes "produce". Personally, I couldn't care less what athletes are paid. I do not buy, rent or support their "product" in any way.

I do see fast-food places advertising for help at $20/hr and having difficulty filling those positions.