Low RPM motor with 1 or 2 revolutions to stop

Knowing what your application is might help us help you find the motor you are looking for?

My first thought is a gear motor with a round plate on the shaft with a notch taken out of it for the stop and a simple roller switch that opens when the roller on the switch falls into the notch. Press a button and the motor turns engaging the roller switch to power the motor until the notch comes around again and the switch opens. Wiring would be very simple.
How about a hand crank? Squawk! It's a living.
Gear motors are common in robots etc. Check out robotshop.com
I have a few motors salvaged from a hydraulic system. 120 volts, single phase. But they have been out in the barn for years(~20+), I don't know their condition. Maybe 1/4 HP, maybe less. The limitation is that they run one direction 320 degrees and stop. Then can only be run reversae 320 degrees. Came off a hydraulic valve that was remote control. Speed about what you're asking for, 1-2 RPM. Reversing through a single contact, the motor is wound for reversing specific service.

Email me if you're interested. Response might take a few days, I would have to find them. After I got motivated. . .

Bill Hudson