Looking for windup springs

I don't know if the forum messages notify my email or not - I'll check it thought.

I still haven't figured out the best way to have private conversations on this forum. My email is dave -at- newww -dot- com

Drop me an email and we can figure out how to connect.

I'd love to see some of your 'art' pieces. I spent a bunch of years doing woodturning and drifted into the more artistic side of it. You can check out my website davidbelser.com

At this point I'm diving into metal working on the smaller scale side of it with the intent of making small mechanical pieces.

Sorry if this is a repeat. I missed it if anybody said it. Try American Science and Surplus. Not too long ago they had a few different assortments. At least for me even if you don't find what you're looking for, you had fun looking for it. I learn about some contrivance I didn't know about almost every time I look in there
@dbb-the-bruce (and @thomb ) - the way to send a PM is to hover your cursor over the user's name on the left panel. When the popup popsup, slide your cursor to the bottom right, where it says "Start conversation," click there, and Bob's your uncle. PS to @thomb - you might have to post several times before the system lets you PM (as it does with posting photos), but it won't be a whole lot.
Hi Dave, think I translated the email address correctly - just sent it and Outlook didn't complain. I'll gather up pictures and start a thread, been meaning to, just one of those roundtuit things I guess. That and I am still way behind on making Xmas presents. Its the same deadline every year, and I never seem to hit it...