Let's Talk About "Micro" Lathes

The basic kit is about 187$ iitc. And I think 10% off that from Nick Carter. That's the way I'd go. I'd machine even cast my own pulleys. Worry about a t/s and compound whenever. Oh yeah not in love with that t/s either. But it's functional I'm sure.

The price I quoted was based on when I bought mine 2-ish years ago. It was mid $400s but that included the tail stock, compound, 4 jaw chuck, a couple of tool holders and the motor. Skipping the motor alone knocks off more than $100.
I was born cheap. And the son of an immigrant and an Irishman. Both who lived through the depression. But I didn't need any help being cheap. As a little kid I was sooo cheap. I'm differemt now. But still a tight wad in most ways.