Lets See Your Shop!

Gosh, I think your Monarch is even nicer than mine! I just purchased a new Accu-rite 200S DRO yesterday for mine and will install this weekend.
It will replace an old analam mini wizard.
Thanks for your comment. I'm happy with the refurb I did on it. Tore it completely apart when I first got it, and replaced the (few) things that were getting old. Then a paint job, then reassembly. Then I decided to build a control panel to put all the switches and controls in one place where everything was easy to reach. Have 2 collet speed chucks, 2 3-jaws, 1 4-jaw, steady, etc. I did buy an Aloris B QCTP for it later to replace the original 4-way and Aloris A QCTP toolposts that came with it. It sure doesn't see much work now! Bit of a shame for a lathe of this quality.

Once you get the DRO installed, shoot me some pictures. I've been thinking about adding a DRO to mine also. Cheers, Bill
This is the one semi organized side of my two car garage turned shop. The SB lathe is on the other side along with a lot of disorganized clutter.

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Hey Shawn- beautiful collection of machines- I envy your shaper!! Hah hah

What is that little lathe up front-right there?

I also have a two garage shop- I'll be posting pics of it soon. I am in the process of moving it into it's new location after 4 sad years of storage :)

Well having a little problem with posting pictures. If this works this is my die working bench.

Fellow Machinists and Hobby Machinists,
It is so refreshing to see and observe so many different "home"' machine shops. There are elaborate settings and humble abode's as well. We are a different bunch, but all share the same enthieusiam in the shaping of metals. It may not be much, but I'd like to show my work area, so here are my photo's...

walking into my shop.jpg My Smithy...notice all the brass handles.jpg Inspection area.jpg Trusty 'ol Jet drill.jpg
here are a few more pictures of my shop. The first is the small manual lathe and general work bench.

The nice workspaces here are awesome, I have a fairly small space, half clean, half mess, I get what I need to done. Anyway here's the shop/office/studio/storeroom, pardon the cell phone pix.. ;-)
a 10x22 Grizzly, and a taig
2013-12-08 11.06.51.jpg
my bench with assorted tools parts and projects, across from it is a desk with computers, and a small ton of books
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The "other side" with more tools, compressor, buffer,and stored machines
2013-12-08 11.07.34.jpg
As funky as this is , it is all on wheels so I can get to things I need, there's a generator, welder, crane, an ancient Walker Turner drill press, supplies,materials, instruments etc...
2013-12-08 11.08.02.jpg
Once a year I clean it all out, at one point I had parts for three Jeep Cherokee's in there, a buddy's table saw and some other stuff....this spring what hasn't been used will get re-sorted and some of it will go...

2013-12-08 11.06.51.jpg 2013-12-08 11.07.10.jpg 2013-12-08 11.07.34.jpg 2013-12-08 11.08.02.jpg