My shop is more woodshop than metal working. I realized after posting this that I don't have a lot of pics of the rest of my shop but this is the main work area. The shop is a 24x24x8 garage. What you don't see is a small contractor style table saw built into 4'x4' work that also has a built in router table. That sits closer to the center with a Jet 6" jointer along one side it and a Shopsmith 10ER thats used mainly as a D.P. and a sander sits on the other side. A little further behind it is a Belsaw 12" planer with a 6' outfeed table. On the outside wall to the right of the bench is a small Craftsman shaper, 10" Delta ras along with some storage. Along the wall that has the hand tools is my rebuilt Shopsmith 10ER thats primarily used as my wood lathe and last comes the wall mounted lumber rack.