Lets see your garden !

There are time when I really envy you guys with such huge gardens.
Then I think of all the work required and the envy dissipates somewhat.
My tiny little suburban back yard produces a few things, at the moment it has
shallots, leeks, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, kang kong, bitter melon (ampalaya), 3 types of basil, oregano, thyme, marjoram, broad leaf mint, rosemary, bay leaf, avocados, paw paw, bananas, lemons, cumquats, custard apples, sweet potatoes, chillies, daikon radish, red radish, chives, lemon grass, ginger, egg plant, passion fruit, 2 kinds of beans.
And the aquaponic section with around 50 Jade perch growing out nicely, about 600grm each so soon be time to start harvesting.
Brassicas of any kind are a problem as they get devastated unless you use a heap of pesticides.
Zuchinis , melons, cucumbers grow fine but take up too much room so we dont bother.
Just sweating away…

This was a peach tree root we bought… thought it had died and we bought a peach tree to replace it. When I went to pull it I noticed a green leaf on it… so we planted it in a pot to see if it would make it. It did and now moving it to the side of the house to see if we get fruit in a few years…

The Green Machine !

Yeah! Small S240… not enough land for the 1025R that I wanted… I was so looking forward to playing with dirt… but we are not moving again!
It's like a virtual garden tour in here. I'm getting major inspo for my own little patch of green now.
By the way, I recently came across this cool site, Scotts of Thrapston, they've got some neat sunrooms that could totally elevate any garden space check them out at https://www.scottsofthrapston.co.uk/sunrooms/. Has anyone here ever tried adding a sunroom or something similar to their garden setup? I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it changed your gardening experience.
By the way, I recently came across this cool site, Scotts of Thrapston, they've got some neat sunrooms that could totally elevate any garden space check them out at https://www.scottsofthrapston.co.uk/sunrooms/. Has anyone here ever tried adding a sunroom or something similar to their garden setup? I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it changed your gardening experience.
Beautiful buildings.

What we have been looking for is a greenhouse that would work in Florida with the potential hurricane winds...

The raised planters did not worked out as we planned. The cold weather would kill everything and we would have to start over early every year, in the hopes that we get something before the cold weather starts again.

So we want to clear this again and place a greenhouse in there... something like a 14'x16' greenhouse.

In other news, pineapples are doing fine...


And looks like we finally got some papayas! Last year the cold weather kill them... along with the passion fruit vine. This year the passion fruit vine is doing amazing... going up on all the trees... I hope it makes it long enough to bear fruit. Funny story is that we planted, what we thought, was just passion fruit seeds... these were sent by my aunt in Puerto Rico. Well, we start seeing weird stuff growing... and we were like, "well, that is a passion fruit plant, but what the heck is that other thing growing that looks like a tree??" Turns out my aunt had mixed the seeds when she sent them... we planted both Papaya and Passion Fruit seeds...

But we are happy to see at least some fruit on the papaya plant... the only one that survived the cold weather.

Has anyone here ever tried adding a sunroom or something similar to their garden setup? I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it changed your gardening experience.

For 20 years we kept a high tunnel green house. Extends growing season by two months on each end. We loved it, but its a ball and chain. Somebody has to be close by all the time to adjust vents to control temperature. We decided we would rather go vacationing all summer.


We are sweet corn addicts and perfectionists. We put in ten plantings, two varieties (Ambrosia and Serendipity) each time. They ripen 4- 5 days days apart.

The first four plantings go on raised beds and have Remay row covers to frost protect and speed growth.

The last planting went in today. Milady is in the background in the pic. She just finished putting on liquid fertilizer on today's planting..

BIG JOB this week was the coon fence. They are terrible little thieves. We laid AL 3" pipe all around the patch and hilled dirt up to it. Then four rows of electric fence, top row is for the deer. We have the hottest Parmak fencer made and turn off everything but this fence for the first week the corn is ripening. Just tested it at 18,000 volts.

We should be eating next week. We only want the very tender early picked corn. Also milady puts the water on to boil BEFORE walking out to the patch. Toss it in for five minutes and serve. I eat it while too hot to hold the ear. When time permits, its even better smoked over a fire of apple wood.

Pics from SE corner and NW corner of 60'x60' patch.

sweet corn SE.jpg

sweet corn NW.jpg
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