Lets see your garden !

Zukes starting here too. Made a big mistake. Planted 2 inside, then decided to compare this with direct seeded, so planted two more. NOW I GOT FOUR zucchini coming on! More than enough for ten people.

BTW, we are taking all the rain. Wettest June ever. Many farm fields not planted - just too wet. I wanted to put the sixth planting of sweet corn in, but the garden is a swamp. Maybe later this week. Glad we do raised beds or it would all rot this year.
Zukes are coming in daily now . 2 yesterday and 2 today . I'm going to have to sneak these out of house ! ;)
Every summer we start out anticipating the first zucchini and by the end of the summer are giving them to a friend's chickens :).
Chickens like zucchini???

Perfect, my next door neighbor raises free range chickens and sell us eggs
Stage 4 water shortage here. All outdoor watering prohibited, except for graywater, and next week, river water
Matt told me this Dab . This was due to a huge water main brake . :eek: They both are over in France or Italy or somewhere over there now for a wedding . :dunno: We'll be up around July 6th . I'm not concerned about the water ............................you know why . :beer:
These were peeking out of the tops of a few hills so I picked 'em before they got anymore sunburnt.
Potatoes at 10 weeks
almost a pound!
And I have about 1000, hills to dig for farmers markets coming up soon!!


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Chickens like zucchini???

Perfect, my next door neighbor raises free range chickens and sell us eggs
Yep, they love the stuff. They also love watermelon, they will eat the pulp right down to the rind. We also give them stuff that's gone to seed like lettuce, bok choi and kale, plus cauliflower and broccoli leaves after we've harvested the heads. Radish, beet and turnip tops are A-OK, too. Darned near anything green. And if there are snails in there, so much the better. Protein....