Lathe chucks which one and why (3 vs 4 jaw vs grip tru)

You're right - I got the Set Tru and True Bore combined in my head somehow.

God, that must have hurt.;)

From a cost standpoint for someone who is just starting out I can see the argument for a 4 jaw over a 3 jaw if you had to buy everything separate.

In that light spending the cash for a set tru or the True bore is out of the question, and this is coming from someone who hates setting up a 4 jaw.

I had someone telling me I should have bought an $1800 8" rotary table when my $200 6" came in damaged. The most laughable thing is I don't think that guy even owns a mill or has ever even used a Rotab.

An $1800 oversized component to accompany a $1000 mini mill is well into the realm of comically bad advise, and it showed.

Thanks for posting the Tur Bore though, never heard of it before.