Shaft straightening is not difficult, just needs a decent setup and patience. Go slowly and try really hard to press on the spot with the most runout, in the correct direction, and try really hard not to overshoot. Keith Fenner has some very good tutorial videos on shaft straightening by multiple methods. I recently helped a friend straighten the X axis lead shaft of his Bridgeport after it had been damaged in moving the machine. It went fine, got it to within a few thou over the 4+ foot length. Again, take your time and keep accurately testing your work, try not to overshoot, and make sure you are pressing on the correct point and backing up on the correct points as you go along. It is much more about testing and thinking than about bending, at least for newbies. We straightened the BP screw on V blocks on my HF 20T press and tested it on V blocks on the work bench using a dial indicator and stand, looking for runout. Do the least amount of actual bending as possible.