Lathe acting up attached video


Jul 22, 2022
So this started happening lathe glitching out and not wanting to start. Im assuming that i need to replace the motor control module? Cjx2-3201 is the module? Anything special i need to look for on these? Voltage etc? Is there a way to clean connectors on this one to get it working?
I'm not your guy here, but I will still guess you'll get more help with a little more info about what machine these are on.

One or more contactor is probably shot- they do wear out after a couple decades
Are you up for replacing them?- it's a lot of work
Consider getting a 3-phase motor and VFD setup
Or, if the motor isn't too large- bypass the contactors and wire in a big drum switch
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One or more contactor is probably shot- they do wear out after a couple decades
Are you up for replacing them?- it's a lot of work
DOnt have a lot of choice, looks straight forward make sure i get the right contactor, then just move all the wires over to new one exactly how it is on original
That's how it's done- you need to get the correct coil voltage and contact configuration and take careful notes as you R&R them
Or take a lot of close up photos
You can get wire markers for the wires, or use tape and mark them when you remove each one with the contactor number and terminal number. Replace one at a time. Most likely the Forward contactor gets the most use but that is the reverse contactor (2) that is operating, so I would replace both. Also not the operating voltage of the coils, the schematic (attached) I read seems to indicate they are 110/120V run off the transformer, also check the NO looks to be T-T3 and the auxiliary contact is NC. In addition your motor overload relay doesn't appear to be securely fully mounted into the contactor or broken. May also be worth replacing.



  • JET-GH1440W manual-1.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 3
thank you for posting that, looking online and the factory replacement contactors are 515$ i think ill find cheaper ones lol. the overload got smacked a bit when the lathe went over on its back getting it in the garage. i swear this lathe is cursed....
on a side note if it does reverse how do i make it run in reverse (other than the jog button running the opposite of regular running) im about to round up a 3 phase drum switch to go back and forth
thank you everyone!
If it is 3 phase, change any of the 2 power (pass through if on a RPC) wires to make the motors work in the other direction. If you are using an RPC, the pass through wires should connect to the transformer (R and T), the generated leg is to the motor connection. If using an RPC and the generated leg is connected to the transformer, it will cause voltage sag when starting the motor and the contactor may chatter w/o starting the motor. Contractors are available for $25-45 depending on if they are shipped from China or from the US, just put search the model number, coil voltage, and contact configuration.

I also would check that the wild leg of the RPC is not connected to the transformer, I have seen similar cases where the motor starting drops out because the coil voltage sags on startup. But wouldn't be surprised if the contactors contacts are crispy.
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