i know several people who are professionals in cabinet making, furniture, etc. none of them use guards on their table saws
i dont use one either but i'm old school and used to working around danger

having said that my bride's brother has 3 less fingers - not a blue collar worker tho'- he worked in medical at Shands hospital
To be honest, I've never been a fan of guards either but I have, on a few occasions, wished I was. I have a lot of scars from doing dumb stuff with power tools (and one from a butcher knife). With a table saw, though, the thought of falling on the blade and cutting through my sternum is always there. So I'm more careful. Still don't use the guard... :oops:
Having said that, and with the multitude of injuries, I know, for a fact, that the backside of a circular saw blade can launch a 4 inch thick chunk of mahogany, with lightning speed, right back at the operator.