It cost me blood and sweat

I worked a short 6 months at a printing plant. This was in 1980-81, and we were printing the Saturday/Sunday comics for most of the east of the Mississippi papers. The press was originally used by either Playboy or Penthouse, cannot remember which. 3 4 color sections with paper dust and inks in the air for us to breath in. These were oil paper inks. The more modern offset presses in the other section of the plant used a water based ink but they ran even hotter than the machine I was on. I left as I was coughing up crap all the time. Not a great place to work in. Greater Buffalo Press closed a few years ago.
Not to mention the WD-40 showers at the end of the day . :( All of my larger wrenches and sockets still have ink on them 7 years later . :grin: