Is this a "real" Starrett 98-6

great white

Active User
Jan 25, 2015
I bought what was advertised as a Starrett 98-6.

What arrived certainly looks like one, but there's no model number marked on it. The only markings on it is "The LS Starrett Co, Athol Mass USA" on the rotating sheild. Here's some pics of it:





It's my understanding that some periods of production that Starrett didn't mark the model numbers on their levels. Is there a way to determine if this actually is a 98 model and not something like a 97 or similar?

I bought this one as a 98 because I wanted the sensitivity/accuracy of the ground vial. I'd just like to confirm I got what I thought I was getting....
I can’t speak to particulars of the model, but you should be able to verify the sensitivity with shim stock under one end and some trigonometry.
It looks like the real thing to me; I have a 6" and 18" model 98, and neither one has a part number marking.
As far as sensitivity goes, the #98 is graduated at .005" per foot per graduation.
I have one like yours with no markings on the casting. I'm almost certain it is Starrett. Says so on the rotating cover. It is a fine piece of equipment.
I have two 6" Starrett 98s. One looks just like yours and the other one has a satin barrel instead of chrome. The satin one has "Starrett No. 98" on the barrel. The chromed one has "The L. S. Starrett Co. Athol Mass. U.S.A." on the barrel. I bought used at different times and think they are just different ages. Both work the same.
Yours looks real to me.
Mine doesn't have the number on it and I bought it new from our local Starrett dealer and still have the original box.
I looked at my very nice old Starrett to see if it was a 98, and found it is a Starrett 97--it looks the same as a 98, so what is the difference between the two? and is the 97 just as accurate ?
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