INFO WANTED on (Tachometer for under $25 dollars)

I have one of those and it is not worth the plastic it is made out of. You can get ten different readings after ten different trys at the same speed not knowing which one is accurate. I also tried it on a known RPM and it was off by a little over 200 rpm. Ray

Well yours is the first I have heard of anyone having a problem with that one. I've heard all positives but you can get a lemon in anything.
Well yours is the first I have heard of anyone having a problem with that one. I've heard all positives but you can get a lemon in anything.

It could be a lemon sometimes it reads right but it is so inconsistant I never know for sure what is correct and what is not. Maybe there is not as many complaints because the user is taking the reading there getting as correct if you dont have anything to check it against or compare then I guess there would not be a problem.... In that case mine would be fine.. Ray
Thanks to all who helped me find the info. I placed my order for the tachometer & sensor.(Actually 2 of each).
I hope they work out for me.

Again thanks to a great group of people of this group.:goodjob2:

Bob Ferry

I got my sensors and wheels in the mail from little machineshop the other day - but the tach(s) it/them selves are still in transit. Usually takes about 3 weeks from HK to me.

The wheels from LMS are far too small for my machine (they're less than 3 inches OD), so I'm going to just mill out a set on my CNC router (it's only thick sheet metal, so should be pretty easy at a slow feed rate).

I also just today ordered up a mag pickup like this -> 3308726231684040_1.jpg , so I'm going to play with that route as well and see how it works (I'll report back either way!).

Down the road I might get a Tachulator from MKC Tools. Nice little setup and will do SFM or RPMs. It ain't under $25 but from all the reviews I've read it's a competent setup.

PS, forgot to say that I'm curious about the Arduino stuff and might build my own if I can find reliable plans. Anyone got any?
Partially just to keep the the thread alive.... but...

My tach displays showed up in the mail today!

I got 'carded' on another package (that the posty didn't even TRY to deliver! And I have security camera proof - grrrrrrr) that could have been the other parts.
Won't know until tomorrow now when it becomes available for pickup at the post office.

I'll post some play by play photo's when all the parts are here.
Partially just to keep the the thread alive.... but...

My tach displays showed up in the mail today!

I got 'carded' on another package (that the posty didn't even TRY to deliver! And I have security camera proof - grrrrrrr) that could have been the other parts.
Won't know until tomorrow now when it becomes available for pickup at the post office.

I'll post some play by play photo's when all the parts are here.

I also received my 2 tachs in the mail today.
My sensors are still on their way from South Korea.

Does anyone know the group member MARTIN in Australia who posted pictures of his set up of his tachometer and sensor?. i would love to see those pictures again.

This is kind of "WHERE'S MARTIN" instead of "WHERE'S WALDO"


Nope. Wasn't the other sensor (but it was some engraving bits I've been waiting on!).

I did bench test the tach though. Powered it off a bench supply with ~13v.
Fed it a 3.5V square wave from my signal generator.
Ran it from about 50hz, up to 100khz. Worked fine! Almost perfect 1:1 ratio.

Now... anyone have the poop sheet on setting it up? Can't seem to find it...
Hi Fellas,
I haven't been eaten by a feral kangaroo, just busy with real (paying) work, just guessing, but maybe the post was deleted due to oversize photos. Have re sized them, sorry about the quality of the wiring diagram it's a back of an envelope job.
Oops: RL should be 1000 ohmsScan1.JPGt7.JPGt8.JPG

Scan1.JPG t7.JPG t8.JPG