Thank you, seems like people are starting to get the idea. This came about because of little things I am running across. Seeing a youtuber grab a fairly basic tool, and I'm thinking, so that is what that is for, or that is so much easier than how I do it without that tool. Often a fairly low cost item available at almost any hardware store if you know to look for it.
I am very new to this so almost daily I'm finding out about something new that I didn't even know I didn't know. Last night I "discovered" the fish tail gauge, not expensive but apparently kind of handy to have around.
This morning I searched for threads on general recommended shop tools, but what I mostly found were "I'm getting ready to buy / just bought xyz machine what tooling should I get" threads, and those for the most part center around lathe / mill specific tooling, endmills, center drills etc. Some measuring devices are generally mentioned as they are such an important factor with those tools, but very little on things like screw drivers, thread gauges, punches, and other misc tools that are probably assumed to be in possession of somebody buying a lathe or mill.
Sure the list could be huge, but certainly there are a dozen or two tools that are at least very nice to have if not must have tools regardless of the kind of machining projects you do.
I went with 1/4"-9/16" (and metric counter part) sockets / wrenches because those are the sizes I have frequently found useful in general. Sure I have larger sockets for specific purposes, but they don't get used all that much. I'd guess 3/8", 1/2" and 9/16" (plus the corresponding metric sizes) alone account for close to 75% of my lifetime socket needs.
I hope that makes my intent clearer, I'm not expecting a full inventory of tool chests from a lifetime of collecting tools, or a list of highly specialized tools needed for making kerosene lamp widgets. Just a list of tools you use frequently in your projects that you wouldn't want to do without, at least those relating to machining.
Aaron, I'll contribute but how about at the end of this thread you compile a summary and see if the mods will make it a sticky. This comes up often enough that it should be one.
I can do that. Unless the posts lock themselves after a time (some forums do), I can edit it right into the first post to make it easy to find.
Glaring items I see missing from your list:
Was just meant as an ice breaker. I was just thinking of the tools I initially used while setting up the lathe and mill.
if i were going to make a basic kit for a hobbyist shop it would at least include these items- sorry if they are redundant to other posts
No need to apologize, I can edit redundant tools when I compile the list.