Gents - excellent and thank you!
Have to say - love this forum.
Karl - Manual is a super help.
Do not see a more detailed drawing in the back unfortunately - but lots of good information here. Thank you.
Or is this the one that changed out for the Sabrina(?) power supply unit. Having trouble keeping track, lol
Chuckled. Yes - this one is Sabina drive,
My style can sometimes seem a bit "wide open"...
But I try and listen carefully - and there is often more method to the madness than may appear.
Karl is correct, you're missing the rod and clamp bracket. It is also missing the top sheetmetal chip cover, and the nut that clamps onto the plate sticking out of the back of your compound, as well as a small casting and bolt that clamps that plate rigid when the taper attachment isn't being used
Ok - thank you. helpful details.
I believe this is the clamp you are referring to
And perhaps this is the nut?
Looks like there were a number of iterations to the taper attachments - but I think I have the gist.
Largest most expensive missing part is the casted clamp I believe - though it seems they will operate without.
When you say "small casting and bolt" are you referring to the bolt and lower casted part shown in the clamp picture above?
The taper attachments have quite a few roller bearings in them. It is fairly easy, and probably useful to take it apart and replace all the bearings. Keith Rucker has a video on doing that for a Monarch model K, they're fairly similar so it would give you a good idea of what is involved.
Have seen that video - didn't realize it applies.
I expect that I will pull my carriage and go through it to take out some of the backlash/ replace what I can that is worn/ create a tighter fit.
From what I understand - the carriage was basically designed to wear - so I am assuming that I would get good value out of making it tighter.
Perhaps top on my list of improvements.
Dealing with the taper attachment simultaneously would be the plan - if I have one to deal with...
Thanks for priming the pump and getting me started here.