I had a 3/16" Broach explode on me

I use my hydraulic for broaching, but my press is manual two speed thing. Plenty of feel through the "fast" pump. Getting tough to move is just about starting to register on the gauge. I always thought the trick is to make sure that you're square and pressing straight, which isn't too hard to do. Would I let anyone else do it that doesn't have *feel* for these things... No, probably not. I can understand why you'd not want to go near a powered hydraulic press!
I have to admit to being terrified watching Keith Rucker broach on his arbor press, which seems to have more play than a record deck and visibly bends the broaches.

I'd have an arbor press if I had room for one. I have a 12'x8' shed for my shop... Though this has got me thinking that I could cut a rack and pinion to mount alongside the hydraulics in the current press. Two tools for one footprint. Hmmm.
I have to admit to being terrified watching Keith Rucker broach on his arbor press, which seems to have more play than a record deck and visibly bends the broaches.
I was watching him over the weekend when I did a Youtube search on broaching.
He was just pressing away with no issues whatsoever. Mine dug in somehow. A big burr is in the channel. Larger than it should be.
At least I learned a lesson. I seem to be on quite the learning curve of late.
I think it depends which way it deflects. If it presses the teeth into contact harder, they dig in, take bigger bites than they should and you're in trouble if you don't back off. Loose fitting guide bushings are also an absolute no for that reason in my experience.

I'm seriously considering this arbor press into my hydraulic frame idea... I could use a car steering rack, I reckon.
I currently have a 12-ton hydraulic press from HF. It works, but takes up more space than it deserves (meaning that it gets used so little, the space is better spent on other things). I figure a 2-3 ton arbor press is all I really need. The trouble is that I've had a standing Craigslist filter for "arbor press" for around six months now but very little pops up around here. More stuff pops up in the Los Angeles area of course, but I don't want to drive 4-6 hours only to find it's gone when I get there.
I used a hydraulic press more times then I can remember, but that's broaching 1"+ keyways. Not trying to push the subject, because it could/can be dangerous, it's just something we had to do and we followed a very safe protocol.