HSS inserts?

A small fine India slip stone also is a good stone for honing grinding marks off of HSS tools. You can go to Arkansas,but to tell the truth,most machinists used India as the final hone. There is nothing wrong with going finer,though,especially if you have a very light lathe like Matt has.

Diamond hones are useful,but they leave scratches depending on their grit size. You could use one first,then go finer. I start sharpening my knives and chisels with diamond. But then,I use a black,then a white Spyderco ceramic stone. These ceramic stones are hard enough to sharpen any steel. But,they often need to be surfaced with a diamond stone before use. They may have circular cut marks on them from being manufactured. Once you get them smoothed up,they will NEVER wear noticeably.
My instructor recomended some wheels and india stones last night. I figure if I have no choice I will learn to grind. Verse waiting till I need a form tool and scrap 3 days and 5 parts. ahaha.

When you say diamond wheel your talking the flat metal wheel with diamond bonded to one side? Could you touch up carbide on a diamond stone? Or are they just trash once used up? I have some hss with carbide on the tip. So far I aint much good with them