I was in a shop that sold audio equipment years ago. One of the things on display was a clear plastic speaker cabinet they had made. It was high priced. The guy said it wouldn't be so expensive except for all the plastic they had broken while drilling the holes. I made him a drawing of how to grind his drill bits for drilling plastic. I'm sure he found it useful if he made another plastic speaker cabinet. I grind a vertical edge on the cutting edges of the drill bit,similar to what you are doing,but I don't put a negative cutting edge on the drill.
The cutting ability of the drill doesn't seem to be affected when using it in a machine. Might really be noticed when using it in a hand drill.
I have several old brass drills. Their flutes are ground just like regular drills,except they go straight up the drill's body,not spiraled like a normal drill bit. I'm not sure if these are made any more. They look sort of like those old straight fluted drill bits you used to get inside the wooden handles of egg beater drills,but more carefully made,and of HSS.
I really don't see why anyone would want a transparent speaker cabinet ! You could see the speaker,and all the messy wiring,too!