How The Devil Do I Sharpen This?

I attempted to sell the Better Half on the idea that I need a Surface Grinder so that I can sharpen her stuff.
She's not buying it. :rolleyes: Perhaps I should wait a year or so after the Bridgeport acquisition - EH? :grin:
There, I fixed that for you :)
Nah, gonna to have to keep her. She's is always coming home with goodies from yard sales and estate sales. :grin:
And she's the one jabbing me in the ribs at auctions when I hesitate on something I want.
Haven't determined that yet. But when Honey says she can flip it, I don't argue. Her sixth sense is getting well honed.
At the auction everyone thought it was a shingle shear...
We have 3 or 4 of these auction places around here and they do 'estates' and at this one, he's the guy that comes in
and clears out estate sales after they are over. So it's pretty much 2nd or 3rd tier.
Although I did miss one this summer where the out-of-town offspring just had Dad's house cleared out and sent
to one of these places. There were three kennedy chests and who knows what else.
They don't advertise and one of them doesn't even allow previewing...
I am pretty sure these are made primarily for engravers. You use them to cut brass sheet for plaques on awards and trophies, and plastic mountings.
It should leave a really crisp edge with no roll.
I am pretty sure these are made primarily for engravers. You use them to cut brass sheet for plaques on awards and trophies, and plastic mountings.
It should leave a really crisp edge with no roll.
Right on--Hermes is an engraver---I have one
A large, say 6” floor model belt sander will do it. Tilt the table for the correct clearance and sand/grind it so that the leading edge goes down and away from the direction of the belt. Good Luck…Dave.
Well, I'm not sure about brass, but primarily it was use to shear laminated 2 color plastic for name plates and such. There was also an edger tool available to bevel the edges @ 45 degrees. It was just like a small joiner that used a router bit under a V block.
I'm still staring at it. Thinking about sending it off to a planer blade sharpening service. (Anyone know of a good one?)
The local sharpening service here the I took my Deming bits to, mangled them. Looked like they hand sharpened them on a course stone.