How do I reassemble a tall mill (VN #12) in a basement with very tight headroom?

Maybe you did't understand where I meant to use the all thread. I was thinking about 24" thru the center of the pipe to prevent the joists/scabbing from spreading and the pipe getting away from the slots. Just a safety factor. Your bolts won't be doing that.


Sorry to be so dense- I didn't understand.

That sounds like a good idea. It will hold the pipe in place very nicely.


I noticed that no one has mentioned that there are side forces along with the weight being lifted. You are lifting up with a force at right angles to your lift, I personally would use a piece of 1 1/4" ø bar stock, but I tend to over engineer things but I still have 10 finger nails. If you are worried about the joists spreading just use a bar clamp across the bottom, another thing to remember is pulling side ways on the bar could possibly split the 2X10 and if it did it would be at the worse possible time. JM$.02W
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