From the video, which unfortunately doesnt give us a look inside the tank, the metal has not failed at a weld, but may have been weakened by water/rust along the bottom, failed there, and opened up the side. The first thing to notice is the very thin metal the tank is made from! My 1947 tank is 3/8 thick, tested to 300psi and WP is 150psi. I doubt this tank is even 3/16 thick! With a thin tank, it will swell as the compressor fills it, and contract as it empties. Could this, over time, work harden the steel? Supposing the tank has had water in it, and as we know, the rust takes place where the air meets the water, the failure point is very low down on the tank, so it can't have had a large amount of water in it. so must have been drained at least sporadically.