Have you heard the advice to avoid HF for anything with a motor? Not sure if that's fair but I've heard it repeated a few times.
I might be the person that a lot of folks heard that advice from... And I just got home with my very own instance the "bandfile" in question...
Mixed messages? No, not really. The advice to stay out of Harbor Freight's rotating electrical things is sound. HOWEVER..... If they've got a toy that you want to play with, the price is low enough to get your moneys worth out of the chuckle you get when it has to be thrown out the window because it's caught fire and the fancy plastics they use are difficult to extinguish..... It's kind of like the money you spend at an amusement park. It's over in a day, and you're never getting anything back except the experience.... At 30 bucks, if this turns out to be a turd, catches fire, or otherwise doesn't work out, I've got my money's worth out of trying it out. If it holds up to my use case (pretty light, easy stuff for a sander that size), that'll be splendid. If not, at 30 bucks, I'm out ten percent of a real tool, or 5 (or less) percent of a high end tool), just for the knowledge of whether or not my idea of a handy tool is really gonna work out for me or not....
I think my Dynafile might be '80s vintage, definitely not newer than '90s. Still going strong and all spare parts are available. Look for one used, because it'll probably work fine and if not, it's rebuildable.
I've got one of those in my collection. I will NOT be buying a new or used one at that price point. That is a solid tool. A very solid tool. Couldn't tell you the model, but it's a relatively small one. Might be the same as my one at home (something from the body shop folks... Quality.) If so it's 3/8 X 13. It's little. I've got three at work, and one at home. All bought used off of one tool truck or another. They're all air. This weekend's special at HF makes it (for me) well worth the gamble on it being a heap. Or maybe it's fine?
Prolly won't be playing with it 'till Monday or Tuesday... Looks like I'm working this weekend, as I guess I'm not smart enough to put it off to late next week by holding back the out of service paperwork until Monday afternoon, on a front line truck that's gonna be long gone by early Monday Morning.... That's allright, we've got enough drivers to do that, they don't need my help.