Hemingway Knurling Tool drawing help


Oct 4, 2020
If anyone has built the Hemingway Sensitive Knurler Kit and could enlighten me on how to decipher the drawing of the two main arms, I would be greatly indebted to you.
Post a picture and specific questions. Even if we haven't built one we might be able to help.
Ive seen all of them. Cant post the drawing due to copyright, so I was hoping to talk to someone who already owns a copy.

None of the videos say anything other than “ill drill the next hole now” and the last one in the list I think the guy talks about the crappy drawing.
Post up a section of the drawing with the feature and dimensions that have you confused. Fair use doctrine says you can quote copywrited material in a review.
I think I hacked my way through it? Learning Fusion at the same time... I had to enhance my patience quite a bit.

I'm wondering if my lack of experience in reading prints, is leading me to miss something, but I'm struggling to see the missing information.

The drawing does rely on the reader being able to work out some dimensions and some locations of features from other parts of the drawings, but in technical drawing the general rule is to avoid duplicating information.

This series of videos is a pretty good primer on reading drawings:
I see missing info and dumb dimensions. Examples (referring to the top piece):
1. There's a 2-9/16" dimension between the rightmost hole and an unspecified (and unmeasurable) location on the 3/4"R hole.
2. I see nothing to give an overall height from top flat to bottom flat.
3. And of course one portion of that bottom flat that isn't specified is the X axis of the 3/8" radius in the corner.
4. What's the Y axis value for the 1-1/2" radius?

I can understand how some of those dimensions may not be critical, but #4 certainly is. A good drawing would provide reference dimensions (so labeled) in any case.

That's without really digging. If they're that bad on the surface, things probably don't improve as you go deeper.
