Help me save this router

What make and model of router is it? By the looks of it, I am guessing a Porter Cable? If it is, I have a couple of those and can measure the threads for you.
I would not have removed the threads. I would recommend the thread file as well. If you are in a rush, before I had a thread file and still since sometimes you come up with an oddball.. I have uses a triangular file and lightly fixed the outside of the thread.. I just run it in the groove and turn the shaft. I have done it on the lathe too on new threads that just don't come out as clean as I would like.
Left hand thread?

I would not have removed the threads. I would recommend the thread file as well. If you are in a rush, before I had a thread file and still since sometimes you come up with an oddball.. I have uses a triangular file and lightly fixed the outside of the thread.. I just run it in the groove and turn the shaft. I have done it on the lathe too on new threads that just don't come out as clean as I would like.
That is what i did for probably 2 hours with very fine files getting progressively more aggressive. Then i went for the full chamfer/removal under the idea that perhaps the first thread was significantly deformed.

I checked the threads against some standard metric 1.0mm bolts. It seems to be a 20mmx1.00 RH thread. No die for that in this county, but i ordered one. Still puts me back days. I have fixed plenty of threads via various methods, but this one is the first to be a complete block.

Its a portamate Pm-524 motor. used heavily, but not abused. i've got bigger machines for when appropriate.