Gunsmithers. Are you able to help thee?!?

Lol yea i was looking more into it trying to find materials and looking at the prints and sure enough someone actually sent in the kit int the DOJ to ask if they would be illegal parts. Most of them are ok to make to an extent BUT the tube is considered a receiver and that i know is not so hot in NY.
My son emptied out 30 rounds on a woodpecker the day before deer season opened a couple years back . The woodpecker was not harmed , but the LEO showed up in less than 15 minutes . His explanation was he was in the area because of a few scrap metal thefts . Ah , yeah . :grin:
I bet that didnt go over so well lol
No , it actually did . He told us no-one was for that law and would ever enforce it in our area . Just have to keep it off the street and out of sight if you know what I mean . Under 7 rds in it nobody would ever know the difference . It turned out ok , but being pulled over on the way up there has me a tad askeerd ! LOL .
Lol. By the way Dave did you get my last message about the counterbores to go with the box for next Saturday?
Yes Brent , I did get it and will head down the basement before then . BTW , a past ticket in Sydney cost me over $200 on a trip up for not moving over with a LEO sitting on the side of the highway . Pulling a 32 ft trailer and seeing someone in my sideview mirror , I couldn't get over . Well aware of the law , I fought it and lost . :dunno: Lessoned learned . They like money in NY . :big grin: ( especially out of state $$$$ )
Yea they do. If NY wasnt home for me i would have moved down to Georgia with a buddy and we would have prob started a machining business or something.

If you want to talk on the phone this weekend about the counterbores or anything let me know and we can strike a deal. I know i am ready to spend some money next weekend lol. I cant wait! Like a kid in a candy store.
There's a song in there somewhere ! Oh , wait ! :big grin:

Yep , I'll get in touch before the Expo .
I see that you guys enjoy working with guns. I heard that In the United States, gunsmiths could earn more than the national median wage, depending on where they work. A New York gunsmith, for example, can earn $85,000. Gunsmithing is a popular pastime among men and women of all ages. You can find it enjoyable and thrilling to put your talents to the test and see if you can strike the bull's eye with today's technology. Gunsmiths can experience the whole process, from creating a firearm through its preparation for retail sale. Here is a platform where you can find good guides in this domain
Without having the proper paperwork it is illegal for you to machine any gun parts for someone else. If you make the parts for you and by you it’s okay. Now if you make a gun and decide to sell down the road you can do so but don’t make it a habit.