Group Project: Dividing Head - Organization and Design

It would divide evenly, which seems like about all that matters. From there you can calculate out all the hole locations for the dividing plates easily. For low count dividing like hex, you would generally use the quick dividing plate, not the worm. So long as the pin and plate have a snug fit, any error would be minimized.

I could be missing something, as I don't do much dividing, but it doesn't seem unreasonable.
My understanding is that 40:1 is the standard ratio typically used in dividing heads. That is why I picked that particular size.

The indexing plate is used for quick indexing when perfect accuracy isn't necessary, like for most hexa and octa gons. A backing plate with degree marking would be sufficient.
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A rotary table is a lot bigger than a dividing head, there is just not room for a bigger gear ratio. For a dividing head the ratio does not mater since it is the indexing plates doing the work. This 40 : 1 will easily do hex and oct and most other increments. The increments that are bigger prime numbers are the hard ones as each one will need a index plate for that specific division count. This happens regardless of the gear ratio.

In this case 40:1 just happens to work out with sizes that work well with the rest of the head. This is why earlier I kept saying I need the gear info as the first piece to get me started on the design.

On a rotary table the 4° per handle turn works out well with the size of the graduations and the vernier on the dial. 5° might be a little tight to get good readings. A bigger table could go with a bigger gear and maybe only 3° per turn. It just has to be a size that comes out to a whole number of degrees.
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@Flyinfool, Can we drop the height of the Trunnion about 1"? Short and squat would be more rigid and lighter. It looks like the nut end of the Spindle and the Indexing Plates would still have plenty of clearance.
Just looking at the moment it looks like it could drop about a half inch. till the spindle hits the base or about 3/4 till the indexing plate drops below t bottom of the base.
I don't yet know how much room I will need for the ideas I have for the speed indexing plate.

Once I get all the parts laid out then I can start optimizing the size and footprint
Even though it looks like a dividing head already there is still a lot of parts yet to do.

I have started on the BOM and it has 35 different parts so far, 30 of which are parts WE make, and it is not done.

There is a fair number of small fairly easy to do parts. There is something for EVERY skill and equipment level.
It is still the case that I stand ready to order material and begin work on spindles.
I am getting excited. All of this warm weather is getting my itch going on the garage. Sad part is the damn weather can change in a blink of an eye so its hard to justify pulling my garage apart to paint.
I think most of us are ready to go with making stuff, but must be patient.
Yea i am going to be patient on making the parts too. I want to have them be best quality i can do