Galion tilt wheel road grader in 1/12 scale

Thats absolutely incredible George.
Once again thanks for taking the time to share your work.

Fabulous! Graders are always pretty magical and mysterious machines anyway, but to see this skeleton version in action is even more mesmerizing. Thanks for taking the time to put that second video together. And if you are correct in expecting your models to be the lasting vestige of the machine after the original has rusted away, I would offer that they will be a very good record indeed. Nicely done :encourage:

On a side note, every time I see a grader I have to think of my nephew who spent a couple years after high school working at his grandpa’s logging camp in the remote BC coast. Grandpa did mostly the road building for the camp (his company, he could do whatever he wanted!) so that’s what nephew did as well. The loaders and stuff were pretty straightforward, but when it came to the grader grandpa was reluctant. He eventually let up and gave nephew the go ahead to take it out, but “...NOT to monkey with this one one lever here or you’ll bust the machine...”

Well I think we know how this story will end — nephew took the grader up the road a ways and (of course) figured “meh, what could happen so bad...”. I don’t know what lever it was, but yup, he busted the machine! He flies helicopters now, guess he figured that was safer than graders...! :)
