Ever superglue yourself back together?

I use it as well. I renamed it “stupid glue” since I usually need it after doing something stupid.
This time around the superglue I grabbed was Scotch "no run gel" and it seems to be holding up better than the runny stuff.

When Harbor Freight has a sale on their SG, I pick up their 10 piece in a package for less than $4. That makes them easily single-use vials - close the wound and a couple of days refreshing the wound per vial. It is also handy gluing up other things!
For you guys with dry hand skin cracking, you might want to give Bag Balm a try. I use it on my hands every night, and it works wonders for dry skin, and keeping cuticles from tearing. Mike
For you guys with dry hand skin cracking, you might want to give Bag Balm a try. I use it on my hands every night, and it works wonders for dry skin, and keeping cuticles from tearing. Mike
Never tried Bag Balm, but have heard great things about it. I've tried a lot of different hand creams over the years and found that Outdoor Hands Intense Skin Therapy Cream worked great on cracked skin on knuckles that happen frequently during dry winter months and take forever to heal. Yes CA does work in a pinch to keep the bleeding in check but does little in prevention like the Outdoor Hands. A small amount is all that is needed. Just don't use too much, your hands will feel like a giant slug just slimed your hands. The right amount just soaks in and your hands are not slippery. Bag Balm was next on the list to try if the Outdoor Hands failed.

Just so you know, 40 or 50 years ago this conversation would be highly frowned upon by our peers :oops:
I can hear it now "Don't such a *****, it's just a small crack! Man up creme puff!"!
I guess we've evolved. We have enough minor annoyances, why not eliminate what we can... Right?
Yep, many times. It works great.
No kids/grandkids in our house, but we keep a few infant diapers which make a fairly good "large" dressing in a pinch.
For you guys with dry hand skin cracking, you might want to give Bag Balm a try. I use it on my hands every night, and it works wonders for dry skin, and keeping cuticles from tearing. Mike
My goto is a home made mix of mineral oil (baby oil) and beeswax. I go through a lot of it in the winter as my heels tend to crack otherwise.
A word of caution if using duct tape on the skin, it can pull a layer of skin off when removed.