Ever superglue yourself back together?

Ive done it, just be careful not to glue your fingers to the wound area when squeezing shut lol. Cleaner and less scarring than stitches. Also take it easy after, it doesnt hold as well as stitches.
Been doing it for many years. The first time I had a knee replaced the incision was closed using self-dissolving stitches. It did a great job and hardly left any scar at all. The second replacement incision was closed using super glue and butterfly bandages. There's a considerably more noticeable scar, but it healed faster
Glue is generally not recommended for high tensile areas with movement, like fingers but it may work for you. Be prepared to reapply... I actually prefer stitches so I don't have to worry about failure. The last time I put my fingers in the band saw, I glued the wounds closed. I ended up getting stitches two days later when they split open!
This time around the superglue I grabbed was Scotch "no run gel" and it seems to be holding up better than the runny stuff. Also it stays where you put it, on the surface. In the past I have had the normal superglue it run into the gap I want closed, which I think interferes with the skin's ability to close up, although I can't be sure since they did all heal over as I hoped.
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This time around the superglue I grabbed was Scotch "no run gel" and it seems to be holding up better than the runny stuff.
I sort of felt like the thin stuff was nice, cause I could sort of apply it like an eye dropper. But I’ll keep an eye out for that, and see how I like it. Thanks!
I do it too, single use CA in the first aid cabinet. I also have stitch kits, I'll do my own unless I think it's going to take oral antibiotics to keep under control. I also upgraded from paper towels and electrical tape a few years ago, now I use a bit of gauze or the lint I keep handy in my belly button just for those events and hold it tight with 3M Blenderm Tape. It keeps water out and still breathes a bit. My shop first aid kit is more like a walk in closet, tbh.