Ever had "One of those days" ?

At this point I'd be looking for a root cause to all the problems with your lathe. It sounds to me like something is intermittently seizing and you've perhaps been fixing the damage, but not the cause.


Change gear train train was the issue. Main cause was the 80/20 gear carrier sleeve siezing. Annoyed me a bit considering I lubricated it only the day prior as per my normal routine of preventative maintenance. The rest of what happened was just the knock-on effects that it caused.

That sleeve siezing is a known issue, hence why I pay it a lot of attention and ensure it is well lubricated but that did not stop it it siezing for some reason. As for fuses, well, fuses will be fuses and they fail anyway at any time, so not an issue. Apart from that, I intentionally use a low amp fuse in the plug. That little trick has saved a lot of equipment for me over the years.

Ran it for a while without load after sorting it all out and no problems.
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Im a toolmaker in a factory manned by imported press operators.

I have many of those days.

This bit of handiwork however was performed by a home grown operator suffering from temporary lack of reason.

He put the post in the die while it was in the press to make an adjustment and forgot to take it out before stroking the press.

The result:

Post is now 1" shorter than it was and much benter, the stripper plate is taco shaped and the entire die is clipped (That's a bad thing).

Luckily the operator was not killed and the 250 ton press was not damaged due to modern tonnage limiting electronics. If the press was damaged it probably wont show up for a year at which point the flywheel or rod will suddenly just fall off, seen that before.

This is a 2.5" diameter hardened die post.


This is a 1" thick steel plate squashed down to 1/4".



So the boss says "Hey wolves, look this over and give us a list of what it needs and a guesstimate of how long to get it fixed and running again.

And I do that, about two weeks according to engineering to have the stripper plate remade and sent to us. So we contract for 3 weeks of parts to be made by an outside vendor and I start to fix the rest.

Two weeks in and the new stripper arrives....GREAT!!!!

Only, it does not fit!

The prints sent were for revision 1 and the die is on revision 4 or 5.

So here we are with 4 days worth of parts left and I now have to scramble to make this brand new $20K part work.


Oh, did I mention this happens all the time?
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