Dayton Power Hacksaw


Jun 11, 2013
Picked up this Dayton power hacksaw for $100 yesterday. Started the teardown and cleanup already. For the money this beats any of the small horizontal bandsaws out there.

Congrats I always thought those were pretty cool and $100 is a smoking deal. The fools would probably want $5,000 on our local craiglist.
Very nice saw for $100. It may not be as fast as a bandsaw, but who's in a hurry anyway?
Congrats I always thought those were pretty cool and $100 is a smoking deal. The fools would probably want $5,000 on our local craiglist.
A great deal I think and will fit the bill nicely.
Sometimes old style is better, bet it won't work harden your stock . No worries about tension on the blade set it once and forget it. If you set up a little lube pot or spray your blades will dern near last forever. Baring trying to cut files or hard chrome . I'm a fellow power hacksaw owner an old miller Knuth , mine cuts on the push stroke not the pull . Make sure yours is set up the right way. It may have the blade on backwards , I've seen it happen many times. Not trying to say it is but try looking up the manual it will tell . Good luck with her you made a great purchase there.