Confusion Of Style Of Taps To Purchase

What you have is a Progressive Tap Set. Initial Cut, Intermediate Cut and Finish Cut. You need to use them all to cut full threads. You can't use just one. I have seen the sets here in the US but memory is failing me these days.

"Billy G"
Commonly known as Taper, Plug and Bottoming. Most every tapping job can be done with a plug tap.
What he has are different NightWing in that only the last tap in the set will cut the full depth of the thread. The first two in the set cut only partial depth. As I said you need the whole set to cut a given thread. You cannot use just one of them. That type of Tap set was discussed here a while back but I cannot locate it. I will keep looking.

"Billy G"
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Here is a nice pdf explaining the types of taps and their best uses along with reccomended lubricants.


The progressive tap set is not on there Bill. The originated in the European Countries. Not sure if they are available here.

"Billy G"
They don't show the sets but show the different styles that would be in the set and their individual uses. As far as I know anyway.
Some places do sell sets including the taper tap, the second tap, and the bottom tap. I know grainger's sells the sets. So I am sure others do also.
I think you are misinterpreting here. The European Sets are progressive. The first tap does not cut the whole thread to diameter, nor does the second (intermediate). They each cut to a percentage of the thread diameter. Only the last one (finish) can cut to the full diameter. I have yet to see them available in this country. They were made to ease the work the individual taps had to do, especially on small sizes. I believe the nomenclature is Starter, Intermediate and Finish. Don't quote me on that one.

"Billy G"
OHHHH.... I never heard of those before....only sets I knew of where the one's I mentioned.
The post by "Joe in Oz" describes them. Last post on page 2 of this thread. I have been trying to find a vendor that has then for a while now with no luck.

"Billy G"