Lol, great comments so far,want vs need,hah,hah, Bob, Mikey, Kd4, you're all right but in my case, I want because I need.
I can understand why some hobbyists like to collect precision measuring instruments for the sake of owning them. whether it's their refinement or rarity, something pulls a person to to buy these fine tools but for me right now the objective is,functionality , I usually ask myself, can I use them for my future projects? is it within my budget? if the answer to both is yes ,then that's the tool I want.
As far as wanting a depth micrometer, well ,there has been a couple of occasions when I wished I had a proper depth micrometer but in general I usually manage to measure depth using my dial callipers but if I buy one it will be in a better condition than the Lufkin in my first post .
Thank you all again for chiming in ,I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments.