Tom Griffin
Forum Guest
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Hey TL,
In post #30 you show a beautiful broach you made to square out the corners of milled pockets. Did you push that into the hole with the quill feed on your milling machine? If so, do you think a Rong-Fu derrivative from Grizzley has a quill that is up to that use?
BTW, It is this thread that convincebd me that I needed to join this forum. Your work with that rifle is inspiring ... makes me want to make stuff really badly so much that everthing itches.
Thanks Mark.
Itching is a good thing, or a bad one, depending on how you look at it. It's what got me started in this field a long time ago and it's what wakes me up at night dreaming of the next big project.
That slotting tool should work fine on pretty much any mill. Since it has no clapper to allow it to lift on the return stroke, you can only feed it a couple thousandths at a time to keep from chipping the carbide insert. If you make one, be sure to use drill rod and harden it to reduce the amount of flex and use lots of cutting oil.
Glad you are enjoying the build.