Broke off carbide drill in hole.

My understanding is that files are usually fairly soft to facilitate cutting the teeth and later case hardened. Is hitting a carbide drill fragment with a soft-ish steel punch going to work? Carbide is brittle so it might work but I have my doubts. I would start with a standard punch. If you're in a desperate situation, make a punch, harden it with a water quench and temper
Tungsten carbide cutting/drilling tools aren't pure WC, they consist of tungsten carbide particles in a metal matrix, typically cobalt. Looking up the chemical properties of cobalt, I found that its salt can form ammine complexes, which are water-soluble. So it might be possible to etch it using a mixture of ammonia (which will form the ammine complex) with a strong oxidizing agent, like hydrogen peroxide. The solution will bubble like crazy, and the bubbles will impede the progress of the etch itself -- but it might be possible to etch the drill enough to loosen it up so you could pick it out.

Iron doesn't form ammine complexes so it shouldn't be attacked. But the peroxide could cause rust to form. Putting a clay dam around the hole would confine the etchant some, and also would be a reservoir so you wouldn't have to put fresh etchant in the hole so often.

We used ammonia-based etchants in our FA lab to etch alloys like titanium-tungsten, but in that case the ammonia was just acting as a base to react with the tungstic acid, the reaction product between tungsten and peroxide. Sodium hydroxide would have done the same thing, but sodium is a HUGE no-no in a semiconductor fab situation. Even though our lab was separated from the fab, everyone was just plain paranoid about using the stuff.

Since copper also forms ammine complexes the ammonia-peroxide etch works on copper as well. But don't use it around gun bluing, it does a number on that, too. So in your case it depends on what the item is.
I know the traffic there well. It really is your only good option.
If the hole is plugged how do they get the EDM wire down there?
That may be a dumb question but I don’t know anything about the device.
If the hole is plugged how do they get the EDM wire down there?
That may be a dumb question but I don’t know anything about the device.
Its not a wire EDM, its plunge.

It uses a carbon electrode and plunges it straight down.
See post #14
thanks! I somehow missed it.

if I guess correctly, there is 5mm of hole before the carbide bit is encountered,in a 2.5 mm hole?

If so, the things I was thinking of are ruled out. Plunge EDM is your only option here.
No word on the size of the piece, other than it is 3" long, and nothing about how easy it would be to remake it and abandon this hole? @COMachinist ??
If I had my edm set up it would take 15 minutes. I want to find a beater drill press to set it up on so I can line it up and burn away.
Clamped in a er40 collet chuck and parted it. Then just unscrewed the dill and the broke screw then counter bored the part it press fit the lost length. I ll drill and tap the extion for a replacment 3mm-.5 screw. I pressed the extion in with green lock tite, then tig tacked 4 times around it then tuned down the welds. I had a tooth pulled today so, so I'll finish the turning to size tommorrow. There is realy no load on the shaft, it just amount for a small dial. This a lead screw for a broken Candler Duplex 1" J boring facing head. I got it for free so just fixing it. To use for hole boring. The shaft has a hex drive on the other end.
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