Perhaps I am being too harsh.
I have conducted my own investigation of tool posts: 1 Dixon, Aloris 3 flavours, 4 way - 2 flavours, and American Rocker. But tooling itself is one of my hobbies. I have an AXA on my 12X37 lathe. I have used BXA on that lathe as well. So I have some experience in the area. I have tool holders from Accusize, Amazon Generic, and real Aloris. I have used Phase II tool holders on other peoples lathes here in town ( but not the tool post, unfortunately).
My point, but I should have been more gentle, is that you could have purchased a real Aloris AXA or BXA in preparation for your new lathe... Even if you have misgivings about Phase II, you could be confident in Dorian or Aloris, which I think would have been universally applauded.
At least 6 of use here with significant years of experience have already described how many offshore tool posts work quite well. Some have stated that the piston type is inferior to the wedge type. I have both. In parting and form tool work which is the hardest test for a tool post, there has been little difference in their performance between piston and wedge. I can easily say that the difference is nearly undetectable.
What matters is that you properly fit your tool post to your lathe to get the most out of it. The very best tool post in the world will give terrible results if it fits poorly. This I have also seen and corrected on lathes here in my town.
By fitting, I do not mean size. I mean that the T nut makes very good contact on the pressure surfaces, and that there is proper clearance to make good pressure. That the two mating surfaces - compound to tool post - are both flat, true, and have good mating fit at all angles to be used.