Best way to stake a hammerhead?

after setting the wedge in your hammer, soak the hammer head (and handle) vertically in an inch or 2 of antifreeze
the antifreeze will expand the wood, but the antifreeze will not evaporate like water.
the hammerhead will stay tight for years to come, regardless of what wedges you use
I see little satisfaction in that approach, especially if it is a "nice" hammer.
Especially if it is a treasured hammer, inherited from grandpa or dad.
Or if it was obtained essentially free because the handle was loose or no good.
Or if it is higher quality than 99 percent of what is being sold today.
Or if you don't like to feed the retail monster.
Or, all of the above and much more...
Home Depot, buy a new hammer, hammers are disposable consumer goods.
The most expensive hammer that HD lists is $39.99. You can buy a lot of hammers for $40.00 a pop
Buy 'NEW'?!! Has some nefarious individual hi-jacked PW's account?
Except for a couple of framing hammers in the past ten years I grab 'em at sales and auctions.
For me a great deal of satisfaction comes from rejuvenating them.
Plus they have 'experience' and perhaps won't smash your digits... :grin: