Best way to machine square end on round stock?

Oh, I just saw my mistake a minute ago and edited it. 5C!
Heh, I saw your post initially and googled, id love some R8 collet blocks! Obviously couldn't find somewhere to buy them, so figured I'd have to make some eventually...
Surprised that nobody brought up an adjustable parallel. Clamp, do 1, 2 or 3 sides. Flip the part and put parallel between done side and table, vise or vertical angle plate. Works on any size round, even those to big to fit in V blocks or colletts. Joe Pie loves the adjustable parallels and I got used to using them more and more.
Made a chuck key today. Tried to use a line on the round bar aligned with a mark on the vise jaw like I suggested in my prior post. Didn't work. It was so far off that I could see it wasn't square to the first cut. So I just eye balled it and it came out ok. The fit is no worse than my other chuck key. Maybe a little better.