It's home.
Well - its in the street in front of my home.
It's close. Last 40 feet may be the toughest though.
Huge effort this week has me worn out.
The sheer weight/scale has come to be appreciated.
Drove out to pick it up today.
They had a 5000 lb fork lift - and it still struggled at times.
The machine is top and side heavy - with it's giant second head poking out of its shoulder.
Meanwhile - my pesky paying job needed was demanding my attention - so the whole week was a juggle.
This morning, last minute - I put a coat of white on the stand(s), threw them in the back of the truck to cure - and headed off to get the mill.
The guys who gave it to me were superb.
One of them worked with me for 5 hours and operated a fork to help us get the base mounted.
Refused to take a dime.
Next up - power wash - then I have to consider how I am going to get it in the garage.
Got a real sense of just how top heavy these things are. Kinda crazy.
Painted last minute
Let it cure while I drove
Mid installation. Full circus.
3 hours later - pit stopped for some fuel (for myself) as that was a physical day.
Home - 2 hours to get back - kept it steady and had it well tied down. Will stay parked here tonight.