It is more that each pass seems to run into/over each other slightly, like the tool isn't tracking with the first scratch cut....Not sure why you are looking at gearing. Initially you said that the first cut lined up perfectly with the thread gauge, which would indicate that the gearing is correct. If your tool refused to cut to depth, the problem would seem to lie there, not with the gearing. Even if the gearing was not correct, you should still be able to cut a thread of questionable pitch.
Ok, just found the lead screw is 6 TPI.
so, fill in the gear blank:
6-72-????-33 = 11 tpi......
how do I solve for the middle gear, and whether it is a single gear (same engagement on bot the 72 and 33) or the 120/127 gear?
Make sure the shear pin in the lead screw is not sheared. If it is, the lead screw could be slipping, causing your thread to wander.