Just wondering if you were to get a known 5/8-11 bolt and study your tool in there and where
it makes contact and where it should not. And then you say you had a thread stop so its
pretty close to -0-. With a thread stop its not close= its dead on -0- unless its moving or
something. And then another fact sometimes you will come upon stock that just can not be
trained. I know my biggest habbit is junk pickin free junk and thats usually what it is,
unmachinable junk. very hard to break old habits. "problems understood always have a
simple solution, Hugo Young".. I just noticed that you are feeding .010-.020 then you will
have to know if your machine has a direct reading dial or not, which means the feed may
be a little too much for that lathe. Thats all I can think of for now. samuel
it makes contact and where it should not. And then you say you had a thread stop so its
pretty close to -0-. With a thread stop its not close= its dead on -0- unless its moving or
something. And then another fact sometimes you will come upon stock that just can not be
trained. I know my biggest habbit is junk pickin free junk and thats usually what it is,
unmachinable junk. very hard to break old habits. "problems understood always have a
simple solution, Hugo Young".. I just noticed that you are feeding .010-.020 then you will
have to know if your machine has a direct reading dial or not, which means the feed may
be a little too much for that lathe. Thats all I can think of for now. samuel