An update on the situation.
I gave up on trying on bypass the ignition switch module. Energizing the starter with a manual switch while turning the key fob to the start position turns the starter but either the ignition or the injector circuits aren't energized. I attempted to pull the WIN module without pulling the dashboard and although I was able to unfasten it not without some trouble, I found that I couldn't actually remove it without completely removing the dashboard. Fortunately, I found a very good step by step procedure on YouTube (whatever you need to do, someone has done it before and made a YouTube video
I pulled the dash and removed the WIN module. Opening it up, I saw that instead of contacts, it used optical interrupters for switching. In my experience, if they fail, they stay failed but I did notice a small amount of debris which may have blocked one of the interrupters. There was no indication of any bad solder joints and I put the module together and reinstalled it. The car started on the first try.
However, in my experience dealing with intermittent problems, just when you think you have them fixed, they come back to bite you in the rear so my thought was to not reassemble the car until I had a large enough number of successful first time starts under my belt. The reasoning was if the failure to start on a first attempt happened about 30% of the time, the probability of a successful first time start after a "fix" was the probability of a pre-fix successful first time start (.7) in N successive attempts was .7exp N. For N = 20, that would be .0008 and the probability of actually fixed the problem would be .9992 or 99.92%. However, the weather gods decided to interfere. The 10 day outlook indicated a period of temperatures hovering in the single digits or teens so I decided to take a chance and reassemble the car. So far, I'm up to 33 consecutive successful first time starts which works out to a 99.99% probability that I corrected the problem.
Of course, Murphy doesn't believe in probabilities and now that I'm posting this, he will call up the fault out of spite so keep your fingers crossed that he doesn't see this.