An explanation is due.


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H-M Platinum Supporter
Dec 27, 2021
If you haven't noticed, I haven't been a regular poster for about a year. My sweet and lovely wife of 17 years, and companion of 28, decided to call it quits last june. I'm no saint, but the argument that seems to be the final straw, was so insignificantly silly, that I still can't believe it. We have been through much worse. I have been severely depressed with this, and having to get rid of my cows because of the back injury. Now we are heading into a phase, where I stand to lose almost everything I've worked for, or at least half, and at almost 60, I'm not sure any of it is worth fussing over. There is more, but idk.
Sorry to hear about your situation. Divorce is never easy, nor starting over. When I get down I try to tell myself that this too shall pass, and it generally does. Perhaps not as quickly as I would like, but it does. Hang in there my friend, and if it helps, know I, and I'm sure all the others here are sending good thoughts your way, and are here for you if you need us. Mike
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That’s too bad, snoopdog. That’s been a rough spell for you for sure. Wish I had some wise words of advice but I’ve been on my own for many years now. I think Mike said it well enough, “this too shall pass”, even though it’s rotten while you’re waiting for that to happen.

It’s good that you stopped by to check in and play a game or two, you’re among friends here.


I understand and know it is not an easy time for you. Try looking at what you can find on the plus side
and lean that way. I wish you the best. If it's the machining hobby, that's great! We are all with you.
Snoopdog your post hit mighty close to home. So I’m always careful to try and not make it worse.

I was in a somewhat similar situation 20yrs ago and my mantra was something a good buddy said offhand as I asked him one day how it was going. He replied “life sucks, but I’m trying to not take it personally “. He doesn’t even remember saying it.

I hope this turns around for you. Hang in there.