Bob - quite right
the "spec" for r8 (according to wells index) is 4.25" and that they usually grind over that - so i measured the depth of the spindle and it measured about the issue is not there
i measured the arbor - 4.2 inches - so no issues there
it occured that maybe there was an issue in the threads ... sure enough, the drawbar threads needed to be chased - i did the arbor as well...issue solved!!
usable r8 spindle on mill - usable albrecht integrated r8 shank drill chuck - life is good!!
thanks to all who helped
the "spec" for r8 (according to wells index) is 4.25" and that they usually grind over that - so i measured the depth of the spindle and it measured about the issue is not there
i measured the arbor - 4.2 inches - so no issues there
it occured that maybe there was an issue in the threads ... sure enough, the drawbar threads needed to be chased - i did the arbor as well...issue solved!!
usable r8 spindle on mill - usable albrecht integrated r8 shank drill chuck - life is good!!
thanks to all who helped