It is not nessecary to order extra belts. They live for many years and can be bought much cheaper than at everywhere on the internet.
For example (Germany) for my V10 (not -P) 200 XL 075 €10,57
instrad of €35 (!!!!)
For a while the machines were sold with POM (delrin) gear wheels on the gear quadrant. When I bought my V10 one of them was broken. I replaced all of them using steel gears with fresh needle bearings and for the gear pair I took the bigger gear with hub on which I mounted the little gear. Into the hub I pressed a hardened bushing I got from the company I worked at. Runs very well but of course it makes a little noise compared to the delrin gears.
The whole machine I cleaned with oven cleaner spray. Worked fine.
Just ordered a Sino DRO. When mounted I´ll send pictures.
Hope my English ist understandable. I´m out of training.
Thank you very much. Your English is very good. Much better than meinem Deutsch (thanks Google translate!) I can't find anything in North America on Ebay or the likes so I might have to order it from there.
Can I ask you a question? What websites would be best to search for used machine tools in Europe (specificially France and Germany)? Something similar to what we use here, which is,, I ask because my sister-in-law lives in France and was living in Germany prior that that, and it seems like there is much more Emco machinery and parts available in Western Europe. I would like to keep my eye open for parts and tools and she may be able to make sure at the very least the ad is real and facilitate shipping to me.
Thanks again!